Think Before You Write

Think Before You Write

Do You Think Before You Write or Speak?

There is a very common saying about people should “think before you speak”.  However, it is as important for you to “think before you write”

Every sentence we write or every word we say can have an impression on people. 

In some cases, it's going to be an honest impact but in other cases it's may have a negative impact.   Our words or things we write have the power to cause both impacts.

Every Post in Social Media Has Impact

With the arrival of the latest technology, the importance of words remains undiminished. There are probably more words spoken, shared, and written than ever before as we all wish to keep the universe updated through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media networks. In each of these posts, we will leave a little bit of joy, if only we expect things through.

Are you aware there is nothing worse than rushing to mention something and fill the silence only to understand that you simply have had a negative impact on somebody else. Everyone has experience about this thing happen, I even have heard it happen and sometimes it's affected me.

Is Your Writing Offending Someone?

In most of the time, I don’t think people are purposely want to be rude, difficult or offensive.  The main reason is that they don’t think or not think through enough.  Seems like it's a failure to interact the brain before opening the mouth as people have sometimes said to me.  Today, I even have overheard, or been a part of, variety of conversations that have proved what I even have just said.  For those involved just said things then went on their merry way without understanding how it made me feel.

Even though most people will get over it but it did make me believe what I say or do and the way it's going to make people feel.  As we are the people radiating good vibes, we've to know what each word comes out of our mouth or write mean, what they carry but also what impact they'll wear people. Just stop and reflect before you press send, open your mouth or leave a posting.

Remember The THINK Principle

This is a good way to remind us what each letter in the word THINK means. “T” stands for True.   Is what we write TRUE?  “H” stands for Help.  Is what we write HELPFUL?  “I” stands for Inspire.  Is what we write Inspiring?  “N” stands for NECESSARY.  Is what we write necessary?  “K” stands for the most important attitude “KIND”  Is what we write kindly to people.

Remember to join interesting discussions, be a participant.  Go travel with friends and be solitary if needed.  If we keep these thinking in mind, take good vibes action. We will have good vibes coming our way sooner than you think.

Click here -> How to make everyday your perfect day?

Remember Think Before You Write or Speak!  Join interesting discussion.  Travel with friends and be solitary if needed.  Pass this message and good vibes will be coming your way.

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